Tips for Moving Cross Country with Houseplants

You have worked hard to cultivate your houseplants, and it makes sense you want to bring them to your new home. Like children and pets, plants are living things and require special thought and preparation before moving a long distance from a city like Calgary. Plants can be very fickle, and you must take steps to avoid them going into shock during your long distance travel. This is especially true when living in the harsh climates of Calgary.

Moving houseplants cross country can be done with a little bit of planning and preparation. This blog covers Matco calgary movers best tips for preparing plants for a long distance move.

Prep Your Houseplants

Clean up your plants two weeks before moving. Prune larger plants so they are more compact for transporting. Pruning also results in healthy and more attractive plants. To prune, simply pinch back newer growth with your thumb and forefinger.

If your plants require special nutrients, soil, or growing conditions, now is the best time to gather your supplies for the move. Consider whether these supplies will be available in your new hometown, and locate a supplier before you move. If certain soils or tools will be hard to find after the move, consider buying more to bring with you – or possibly consider leaving certain plants behind.

Also, research whether all your plants are considered ‘legal’ at your destination. When moving houseplants cross Canada, this shouldn’t be a huge issue. However, moving internationally can pose bigger questions on whether all plants will be acceptable to move. Pay close attention to whether any of your houseplants are considered invasive species. If so, do not transport them without the required caution, and be careful not to further damage any local ecosystems.

Re-Pot Plants

Two to three weeks before moving, repot plants into lightweight plastic pots. This will give them time to adjust prior to moving. Choose pots that are similar in size to their previous ceramic pots to prevent overgrowth or crowding. Check out these recommended pots from Amazon.

Remove Pests

Two to three weeks before moving, place plants in a dark plastic bag with a flea collar or pest strip. Leave the bag in a cool shady place overnight. If this does not get rid of insects, consider leaving the plant behind. It’s important to be cautious of any pests or diseases that you might be transporting and the impact they might have on new ecosystems. When in doubt, contact local authorities to ensure you’re on the right side of the matter.

Watering Your Plants

When moving your houseplants, it’s important to consider the climate that they will be in and the impact that will have on the soil. In the volatile climate of Canada, it is imperative to update your plans based on the current weather. Hot and dry or cold and wet are the two worst conditions for plants. If you are moving in the winter months, water your plants two or three days before the move to ensure they are on the dry side on moving day. If you are moving during the hot summer months, water the plants well the morning of the move and let any excess water drain away.

Calgary long distance movers don’t move plants, but they will be knowledgeable on best practices for moving your plants. If you have questions regarding watering or schedules, consult your moving consultant for up-to-date information.

Pack The Plants

On the morning of moving day, or the night before, pack your plants. Place the plant in a cardboard box. Use dampened newspaper or packing paper to hold the plants in place. Punch air holes in the sides of the box and close the lid. Clearly mark the boxes “PLANTS” so the movers know not to load them.

Most long distance moving companies will not move household plants or any other form of ‘living’ matter. Therefore, plan ahead to move your plants yourself and arrange transportation accordingly.

Take Plants in Your Car

It is best to transport plants in your car because it ensures a climate-controlled environment. The ideal spot for plants is in the front passenger seat. Avoid placing your houseplants in the trunk, where the lack of fresh air and an inability to control the temperature can be harmful.

If you must place plants in the trunk, cover the tops of the boxes with blankets to insulate them from heat and cold. If you make stops during your trip, park in a sunny spot with windows closed in the winter and in the shade with the windows cracked in the summer. If you stay at a hotel overnight, bring the plants into the room with you. In the hotel room, open the cartons to expose your plants to light.

When moving houseplants cross the country, time is of the essence. It’s important that the plants are quickly relocated to a stable environment, where the sunlight and watering are optimal for their needs. Cross-country road trips are not ideal, but they can be done with proper planning. If your move-in date is undetermined, or you will be travelling before you get to your destination, consider leaving your plants at a friend’s house until you can transport them safely and efficiently.

Unpack The Plants First!

Remove plants from the bottom of the box. This will avoid damaging the stem. Once removed, keep the plants in a darker-lit space and then gradually bring them to brighter areas. This will give the plants a chance to adjust to the light again. Your plants need acclimation to the light and their new surroundings.

Make sure to unpack plants as soon as you get to your new home to reduce the chance of damage or death.

Need Help From Long Distance Movers in Calgary?

Matco Moving Solutions can help you with your local,  long-distance or international move. We are a full-service moving company that is dedicated to delivering a stress-free and positive moving experience. We have locations in Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife, Whitehorse and Inuvik and over 55 years of moving experience and expertise.

Contact our Calgary long distance movers today for a free moving quote and to learn how Matco can help you with your next move.

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